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  • Writer's pictureKaitlyn Quigley

What to Expect: Forest Care

Updated: Feb 27, 2022

How do we begin and end our day at the park? Our daily agenda is structured around getting the group to feel connected, energized and curious!

Instructors go into the day with a plan based on environmental factors and personal inspirations. However, we are always open to seeing where childhood interests and nature surprises will take us!

We routinely start the day by gathering at the opening circle, playing a game, and doing some form of movement or exercise (such as yoga or Wim Hof stretching). When all friends are present, instructors will begin the day with an activity or mission for the kids to get excited about.

On our daily quests, we will stop along the way to share ideas or game inspirations that the kids are eager to play. This way, kids have a say in how the agenda is structured.

Whenever a friend is hungry or thirsty, we take group breaks to ensure all needs are met and find a nice place to rest and eat our snacks. Once feeding time is done, kids will usually embark on independent playtime where imaginations can go wild! Instructors help those who are unsure to start activities that interest them, but the goal is for this time to be completely kid-led!

What to Bring:

Children are expected to come to forest care prepared for all weather situations. Be sure to check the weather forecast before leaving your house to ensure children have proper layers, rain gear and sun protection. Instructors will turn away families that are not dressed appropriately for the day's forecast.

Clothing should be comfortable and durable. Kids can pack extra hats, gloves, raincoats, or umbrellas in their backpacks (based on season or forecast).

Children will also need to bring adequate water, lunch, extra snack, and a journal with writing utensils each day.

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